§ 7-27-1-2704. Criteria for bed and breakfast establishment.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    There shall be a maximum of four guest rooms plus the living quarters for the owner/occupant managing the establishment and located in the principal building. Detached accessory building and garage apartments may not be converted into guest rooms.


    The establishment must maintain the residential character of the neighborhood and not detract from abutting properties. Any modification of the building to comply with codes shall not change the residential appearance of the building.


    One sign shall be permitted, not to exceed four square feet in area and may be lighted by no more than two fifty (50) watt light bulbs. Flashing and blinking lighting shall be prohibited. The terms "hotel" or "motel" shall not be allowed.


    There shall be off-street parking provided and shall be located in the rear of the building and conform to Article 8 of this chapter. The main parking requirement shall be no less than one space for each guest room and two spaces for the owner/occupant managing the establishment.


    The building containing the establishment shall meet all applicable codes; provided however, the kitchen shall not be required to meet commercial kitchen codes.


    The principal building shall have a minimum of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of habitable living area and minimum of one bath room for every two guest rooms.


    Guests only, may be provided a morning meal by the establishment, but no other meal may be served and no cooking shall be permitted in the guest rooms.


    The owner/occupant that manages the establishment shall live on the property either in the principal or accessory building and no more than one person shall be employed other than the members of the owner/occupant family.

(2000-35, Amended, 09/26/2000)